Happy 5th of Mayo – Hi, My name is Hector Omar Aldana Real Estate Broker for Agent San Francisco. May 4th 2015 – Today I was invited to the San Francisco Association of Realtor’s for a realtors networking group at the Brixton Bar and Restaurant in Marina District in San Francisco. It was a very fine mesh of real estate agents and affiliates. To my surprise all the agents were very nice and professional, not stuffy and cheesy. Being a real estate broker in the San Francisco Bay area I finally found The city of San Francisco to be the place where I do all my real estate business. I think I will enjoy working with the realtors and real estate affiliates in this area as they all seemed like a very pleasant group. I think I will join the San Francisco Association of Realtors very soon.

Agent San Francisco Real Estate SF
Agent San Francisco Real Estate SF
Agent San Francisco Real Estate SF