San Francisco | Finding your ideal alpine home |Mortgage residential and commercial home loans SF

There are many different versions of the ideal traditional ski lodge. Since the early 20th century this building style has slowly evolved as it has spread across the world, interpreted by different architects and developers. Today’s ski lodges and high mountain homes offer all the style of classic architecture, while delivering a wide variety of modern comforts and amenities.

The most common elements of ski lodges and high mountain homes are high, steep roofs, extensive rock walls, large windows, and log walls or exposed log beams, often accompanied tree trunks and branches used decoratively throughout the house. Many homes in this style also include vaulted ceilings and curved staircases.

High mountain and ski lodge homes in the southern rocky mountains tend to use less rock work than homes in eastern alpine locations. That’s because, traditionally, homes in this region were constructed primarily of adobe, as most homes weren’t built in high mountain locations. The alpine and mountain style became popular as technology and modern building materials enabled developers to find more exotic locations for home building.

U.S. national parks housed many of the nation’s first traditional ski lodges. In 1916 the National Parks Service Adopted this building style for its high mountain outposts and lodges, constructing many of these buildings across the country. During this period wealthy home owners in the Adirondack Mountains also built mountain style homes as summer retreats. Early ski lodges and mountain homes often used branches and thatched roofing styles, but most modern ski lodges use metal roofing.

If you’re considering moving to an alpine area, it’s a good idea to learn more about high mountain style and ski lodge homes.

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